2022 UFS Thought-Leader Webinar Series
The University of the Free State is pleased to present its third webinar titled, What needs to be done to POWER up South Africa, which is part of the 2022 Thought-Leader Webinar Series. As a public higher education institution in South Africa with a responsibility to contribute to public discourse, the University of the Free State (UFS) will be presenting the webinar in collaboration with the Free State Literature Festival. The aim of the webinar series is to discuss issues facing South Africa by engaging experts at the university and in South Africa.
Third webinar presented on 27 September 2022
South Africa’s ageing coal power plants are the cause of massive power outages on a regular basis. A dire need exists to diversify our energy mix and to consider more renewable energy. Renewable energy is regarded far cheaper than coal and the construction of coal power plants. South Africa is well positioned environmentally, with the best wind and solar potential on the entire African continent. Economic viability and benefits accompany the exploitation of renewable energy, which will provide much-needed stability in South Africa.
Date: Tuesday 27 September 2022
Time: 12:30-14:00
RSVP: https://events.ufs.ac.za/e/2022UFSThoughtLeaderWebinarSeries by 25 September 2022.
For further information, contact Alicia Pienaar at pienaaran1@ufs.ac.za.
Some of the topics discussed by leading experts in 2021 included, among others, reimagining universities for student success; corruption in South Africa – the endemic pandemic; South African politics and the local government elections; is South Africa falling apart: where to from here; predications for 2022; and why vaccinate? This year’s webinar series commenced on 31 May 2022 with the topic Crime in South Africa – who is to blame? This was followed by a webinar held in July, which asked the question, Are our glasses half full or half empty?
Prof Francis Petersen
Rector and Vice-Chancellor, UFS
Nthato Minyuku
Group Executive
Government and Regulatory Affairs
Steve Nicholls
Head of Mitigation
Presidential Climate Commission
Happy Khambule
Environment and Energy Manager
Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)
Louis Lagrange
Head: Department of Engineering Sciences
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, UFS