Alex Rose-Innes
During the 66th session of the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66), a special webinar will discuss inclusive green economies under the theme, No just transition without gender equality.
A panel of GreenGrowthKnowledge experts will discuss why gender equality is considered vital to a just transition in thriving green economies and to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, ecosystems and natural capital. It would also spotlight barriers and burdens impacting the full and equal participation of women in green economies and address existing initiatives for women’s empowerment in the context of inclusive green economic transformation.
Discussion questions will include, inter alia, why gender equality is essential for thriving, inclusive green economies and the barriers to full female participation. Other topics to drive discussion will focus on lessons learnt and understanding how systems, structures and procedures have to change to enable power-sharing at all levels of decision making, implementation and monitoring.

South African analyst joins top global gender equality advocates
Speakers will include, Lorena Aguilar, Simon Anderson, Ugaz Estrada and Betty Mkatshwa, a competition lawyer from South Africa and formerly a Competition and Regulatory Legal Consultant in Australia. She had recently joined the South African Competition Commission as a Senior Analyst in the Advocacy Division.
Lorena Aguilar is Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Costa-Rica. A global leader passionate about gender equality and sustainable development issues, with over three decades of experience integrating social and gender considerations across initiatives, providing strategic contributions to national and international policies and generating knowledge.
Cecilia Ugaz Estrada of Peru is Director of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Office and Special Advisor, Office of the Managing Director, Directorate of Corporate Management and Operations.
Major global organisations join hands on enviro issues
The recently launched GGKP Gender Expert Group will join the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in collaboration with Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) to find synergies between low-emission pathways and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The GIZ is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.
This United Nations Environment Programme, is active in six countries – South Africa, Costa Rica, Peru, Uruguay and Indonesia, Third World countries where many barriers exclude women from making a contribution to a green planet and benefitting from environmental successes.