“Bravery isn’t just doing. It’s courage with action. It’s persevering when there’s resistance.”
This is the lesson that Vivian Chengalroyan, a PhD candidate in Pharmacy at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, has taken out of the Covid-19 pandemic. She says being a healthcare professional during these trying times has changed her outlook on the future and heightened her passion for helping others.
Her mentor, leading pharmacist Dr. Sham Moodley from Care Naraj Pharmacy in Durban highlighted Vivian’s commitment and dedication, “What Vivian brings to the table is a loving personality which I think is critical for patient care,” Dr. Moodley says.
Mentorships can mean a lot to the next generation of healthcare professionals in South Africa Dr Moodley goes on to say. “Mentorship provides the necessary guidance to them… We’ve been through the mistakes and there’s no need for them to remake those mistakes.”
The registered NPO Dr. Sham Moodley nominated is:
The Sunflower Fund
In the first season, Adcock Ingram OTC celebrated a raft of unsung heroes from the country’s health system, profiling professionals from private practice to civil service, from academia, pharmacy, and the nonprofit sector.
Now the second season is in full swing, seeking the next generation of healthcare heroes – people who are newly working in or studying towards a career in healthcare.
If you know any aspiring, current or recently graduated healthcare students or are one yourself, submit a nomination to stand a chance to win.
To promote career development in the healthcare sector, Adcock Ingram OTC is creating a platform to aid these students financially in their studies and to provide them with impactful mentorship from academic, professional and industry leaders. Each week, from now until November 25, 2020 a new nominee is featured. All ten feature nominees will be paired with a selected mentor for career development, as well as stand a chance to win one of two R25 000 scholarships. If you know any aspiring, current or recently graduated healthcare students or are one yourself, submit a nomination to stand a chance to win: https://partners.24.com/SponsorsofBrave/Nominations/index.html